Our second episode and first episode on COVID19 Dr Saskia Popescu about zoonotic diseases, COVID19 and it's impact on healthcare
COVID19 and Vitamin D with Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham (Monday Science Founder and Host)
COVID19 Retractions I with Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham (Monday Science Founder and Host)
COVID 19 Retraction II with Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham (Monday Science Founder and Host)
Working in the NHS during COVID19 (Part I) with Dr Dereck Gondgonwe
Working in NHS during COVID19 (Part II) with Dr Dereck Gondongwe
Answering your questions on how to interpret COVID19 information and his thoughts on how pharmacist could be best used in healthcare with Dr Dereck Gondongwe
COVID19 and Diabetes with Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham (Monday Science Founder and Host)
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week with Dr Tina Joshi
COVID19 Transmission with Dr Michael Tildesley
COVID19, Ferrets and more with Dr Alyson Kelvin
COVID19 Vaccine Facts with Dr Alyson Kelvin
The People’s Vaccine Alliance with Dr Mohga Kamal-Yanni
COVID19, Science Education and impact of COVID19 lockdowns in secondary schools with Mr Forhad Hussain
How does COVID19 affect the brain? Professor Alysson Renato Muotri
What is the role of the social sciences in the response to COVID-19? Part I with Professor Olivier Rubin
What is the role of the social sciences in the response to COVID-19? Part II Professor Olivier Rubin
Is the pandemic over yet? Prof. Michael Tildesley
How has the pandemic affected the education sector? Prof. Micheal Tildesley